Thursday, 13 October 2011

THURSDAY I'M IN LOVE - O.M.D.- 'So in Love'

Thursday I'm in Love..a chance to share some of my favourite tracks!

OMD - So In Love by jpdc11

O.M.D. - 'So in Love' (1985)

I'm not sure what the Los Zetas Cartel would make of this video but the song is great!

I recently heard the track 'Messages' on the radio, I was working at the time and it stopped me in my tracks (not hard to do). It had been a while since I had heard any O.M.D. and it was long overdue, simple but brilliant synth pop which they did so very well in the early 80's with some real classics, Souvenir, Maid of Orleans, Joan of Arc to name but a few. They were certainly part of my soundtrack growing up.

But my personal favourite would have to be 'So in Love' from the album Crush. It just reminds of a time when my mum was away and my dad and I were home alone. I didn't fully share my dads enthusiasm on having the freedom of the house, as he was in charge of the menu and that meant overcooked pasta and tuna bolognese for two weeks (even being known to cool down a particularly fiery Madras with some toffee flavoured yogurt).

Go on...get in there my son!!

But it wasn't all bad, with my mum away it meant my dad had a musical carte blanche without fear of reprimand and so a mini music festival ensued. Crush was one of the albums that was on heavy rotation and I loved it. I was also fascinated by the album cover as it really fit the mood of the album well, the sunset, the couple in the car will he won't he score? (it certainly didn't look promising). Just the hopeless romantic in me, even at 12 years old.

You'll be pleased to know that I didn't contract rickets and that my dad, now is actually a pretty mean cook.

O.M.D. - So in Love

O.M.D.- Messages

Thurrsday I'm Love... Click here for more!

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THURSDAY I'M IN LOVE - O.M.D.- 'So in Love'
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Tulis comments
13 October 2011 at 04:39

Reading that Post is making me hungry..I must immediatly make a spagetti sauce with Tuna (dolphin friendly).
One of my favourite OMD songs. You can't go wrong with OMD.

13 October 2011 at 05:38

Fantastic song, my personal favourite along with Forever Live and Die. It evokes memories of happy times growing up in Saudi. I was also subjected to Pa's cooking when mum was working in the UK for a few months. Rice that resembled mashed potato comes to mind.


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