Four tracks that did the dirty on us this week! Do you have any filthy tunes for us?
Old Pa's Corner:-
Craig Finn - Terrified Eyes (2012)
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My name is Craig Finn |
When I saw the name Craig Finn I assumed he was part of the New Zealand dynasty, the Finn Brothers of Crowded House fame. How wrong was I, he is the lead singer of the band 'Hold Steady' and this is a solo effort. The album is called 'Clear Heart Full of Eyes'. I tried it out and liked it. especially the track 'Terrified Eyes' I like his delivery, he does not sing but rather speaks the words but it works and is effective. 'Terrified Eyes' is a bleak tale of hopelessness and confusion all done to an upbeat alt country sound. Just up my street. I will definitely have to check out some 'Hold Steady' stuff, Any recommendations out there?
Mastodon - Dry Bone Valley (2011)
I've been listening to this whilst driving home and apart from making me drive like Colin McRae (RIP), it's blowing my little pea brain how much it sounds like classic Alice In Chains - which for someone who was a fan of those grunge rockers in the 90's - is a damn good ting. Mastadon are from Atlanta and have released over 5 albums, including 2011's, 'The Hunter' (good metal album title), where this track comes from. So if you like your balls, big & hairy - check them out - RAWK!!!!
Shell Hunter:-
Band Of Skulls - 'Bruises' (2012)
Oh yes..they're back! You can't beat a bit of riffage like I said (check out a previous post here!)! This second offering from Band Of Skulls' new album confirms it will be a force to be reckoned with. It's got a great video too. It reminds me of my last work do, where I thought I got more "super" bowling powers after the more wine I drank. It worked up to a point which saw me enter the "I can't be stopped" zone! Then after about 2 bottles, it turns out, I can be stopped. I didn't win but I came a close second. Just like Buzz Aldrin on the moon.
Check this site out to download the track free now!
M.I.A. - Bad Girls (2012)
Great new track from Hounslow's finest export, M.I.A. Incredible to think that sometime in the past I could have been in the same queue as her in Poundland. It's a smashing video too, clearly doing her bit to ease Middle East tensions though I don't think this track will find it's way on President Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollahs (great name for a band) iPod playlist anytime soon. It's a scene I'm pretty familiar with as I used to see these sort of shenanigans growing up in Saudi Arabia with the rich kids laying waste to expensive cars, albeit minus the gun toting girls. Anyway I'm a big fan of her music, style and swagger and I'm looking forward to an impending album. Enjoy my habibis!
M.I.A's official site
More tracks this week? No really you should....
Tulis commentsAll bladdy good ones!
ReplyBeen loving the MIA track all week - the video may start another 'Spring
Band of Skulls haven't released a bad track yet
I also thought the Craig Finn was part of the NZ Family Finn, will check need to check out more.
sfw - I like a bit of heavy every now and then. that will do nicely thank you
ReplySH - I like them will certainly be looking for their album. Darts, i've got one game, during that 5th pint, then it is rapid deteriation.
FC - like it with that hint of Arabia in of the video reminds me of Primark in Hounslow High street only needs the double prams
Nice choices as usual....From the picture I didn't expect the London Scouser lookalike to sound like that. Never judge etc, good track, with elements of Counting Crows in there. Two out of two for the Band of Skulls new stuff. I acquired their back catalogue, some standout tracks but nothing I haven't heard before (ie White Stripes, The Kills) but saying that I'm looking forward to their new album.
ReplyI've been listening to Mastodon's album over the last few weeks too and I have a story for it. I was listening to it one day whilst jogging just to get myself all pumped. Feeling all aggressive and determined, I came across a commotion in front of me. A car had deliberately cut up another car and two guys were out having ago at each other, traffic was building up too. I had to go past them but was going to keep going and not get involved, when one guy asked me for help. I hesitated but I was full of Metal rage so I obliged. It dawned that the guy who purposely blocked the car was trying to stop this man from grabbing hold of a new born baby out of a car. He apparently had been hanging on to the door of this vehicle for a couple of blocks which is why the bloke did this Police Camera Action manoeuvre with his car to prevent him getting killed. So I'm there, sweaty and in my gear trying to prise this guy off the baby car seat, mother in the car screaming. All of a sudden this huge cage fighter type bloke pulls him off and pins him to the ground using some sort of submission technique (all very unnessary really, I could tell he was dying to use it on some chump). I tell the cage fighter to chill as he's clearly choking this guy. Anyway Cops come and I get questioned etc, it was about 17h on a Sat and which one Cop says "it's a bit early for a domestic". Basically it looks like the father of this baby wanted to take it away from the mother and she drove off while he was hanging from the door. It could have all been different had I been listening to Barry Manilow.