Tuesday, 23 August 2011

TUESDAY BLUES! James Yuill - This Sweet Love

James Yuill - This Sweet Love (2008)

Folktronica - The musical genre that does what it says on the tin! This was my song of the year back in 2008, and is 3:42 seconds of musical perfection....ok, that's a bit over the top but it is damn good.  James Yuill's is a bit like a student - basically a laptop and acoustic guitar - he's released a couple of albums and EP's the last being "Movement in a storm" (2010). So sit back, relax, open a bottle of Rioja and enjoy the 'ping-pong' beats and gentle strumming....

Perfecting the Scandinavian Teacher look... 

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TUESDAY BLUES! James Yuill - This Sweet Love
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Tulis comments
23 August 2011 at 09:09

Yuill not believe this but not heard of this guy, but great track, will be checking out his stuff, good one sfw

23 August 2011 at 12:13

Such an appropriate name for this song! Very sweet music. Big fan of him, he sounds like a windows open, carefree Sunday morning!

Big fan of Tuesday Blues - you guys put Bon Iver's "Holoscene" on the map for me!

The Internet Garbage


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