Monday, 1 August 2011

TUESDAY BLUES! Beach House - Norway

Beach House - Norway (2009)

This dreamy pop masterpiece first caught my attention last year...and since it's moved right into my 5 star rated tracks. With its guitar arpeggios/slide, tribal beat and hypnotic singing I just want to go on a Scandinavian holiday, tour the fjords in a Volvo and bleach my hair blonde (with a side parting of course).  Complete brillance - the song - not the holiday!

...I've got the Tuesday Blues because Saturday is so far away!  Click here for more musical melancholy

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TUESDAY BLUES! Beach House - Norway
4/ 5

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Tulis comments
2 August 2011 at 01:30

LOve this stand out track from their 'teen Dream' album

2 August 2011 at 09:28

I don't know what it is about this song, but it reminds me of Empire Of The Sun. Lovely feeling to it, I can imagine being at a beach house with a nice breeze blowing through the palm trees. Could be a contender for my next holiday album.

3 August 2011 at 04:01

Is this the official video or the one where the Amateur Dramatic Society of Manhattan get together to express their view of existentialism in pagan society to music?

3 August 2011 at 04:04

I love the wonky keyboard ting too...very similar to that track you played awhile back:-


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