Tuesday, 6 September 2011

TUESDAY BLUES! The Bees - "Punchbag"

The Bees - "Punchbag" (2001)

Tuesdays don't have to be black or blue! Use this week's track "Punchbag" instead to release that stress and as a little bit of musical Ibulieve to ease the pain!

The Bees are at one with the other animals
The Bees(A Band Of Bees to our U.S friends) are without a doubt my favourite band. I have their first album, Sunshine Hit Me to thank for this. It took one listen all the way through back in 2003 to majorly turn my head. I loved the eclectic mix which was like a stirring pot of all my favourite genres...reggae, jazz, rock and even a bit of country.

Back in the day, when I used to do night shifts at a cargo shed, I discovered I could use the "security locked" PC to listen to Cd's! On the weekend night shift, there were no managers so it was a musical funfair to me and all the cargo drivers that used to frequent the reception. I remember I was even nicknamed "the music girl" to a few. I was loaned this album amongst others one weekend and it was exactly what I have been searching for. Punchbag was a standout track to me as I loved the trumpets, twinkly almost cowbell sound and great organ solo. It was so different and that's what The Bees are. I've followed them closely ever since and they have rewarded me with a tune for every mood and occasion(even my wedding!).

Where Matt Cardle modelled his look
The Bees - 'Punchbag'

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TUESDAY BLUES! The Bees - "Punchbag"
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Tulis comments
6 September 2011 at 01:28

Great track Shell Hunter - I feel like Han Solo handing over the keys to Lando - I've loved this track for years...reminds me of when me and "squirrel" used to go on weekly surfing/skating trips to cornwall.. the album was always on rotation. Good times!

6 September 2011 at 01:50

We all have a Bees story to tell, am keeping mine quiet, but it does involve 'rapid fire'. Great Track

6 September 2011 at 03:09

Love dem Bees, no set style and will always surprise. 'Musical funfare'....I like!

6 September 2011 at 09:43

Apparently Sting likes this band....ahem, anyway I really like this track and feel they deserve to be recognised for a lot more than the almost silly Chicken Payback.
Every album they have released have had at least 2 or 3 classics. I urge everyone to give them a try

6 September 2011 at 11:17

sfw, it's an honour. I hope I "took good care of her!" I can see this album as a surfy kind of album. So chilled, it could cool down a bbq on the beach afterwards!

Pa, it wouldn't have been rapid fire if I wasn't an hour late due to a bomb scare at King's Cross!

You're right fly, no set style, love it all. Why contain yourself in one catagory? Hmmm, sound like a familiar concept?!

Well said Scouse, although I do still love the fact Chicken Payback is a sort of 60's dance routine. It's always hard when a band you love are recognized only for a song on an advert. Same album as my fave track of theirs, These Are The Ghosts.


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