Thursday, 1 September 2011

DYLAN COVER # 12 - Pink Floyd/Roger Waters - Knocking on Heavens Door

Pink Floyd - 'Knocking on Heavens Door'

This version by the Floyd is from an 18 CD set called 'A Tree full of Secrets' and is excellent. It's a pity it is not just a little bit longer but we can't get too greedy, can we? It is full of little Pink Floyd-isms but that is why we love them, well most of us.

But what about this other version by Roger Waters, I missed it when it first came round but what a pleasure to find such a gem. I believe Eric Clapton is guesting :

Roger Waters - Knocking on Heavens Door

It Appeared on 'The Dybbuk of the Holy Apple Field Soundtrack (1998)' and is available on the Album the Flickering Flames Vol 1 the Solo years.

If you have not heard it, your in for a treat.

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DYLAN COVER # 12 - Pink Floyd/Roger Waters - Knocking on Heavens Door
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Tulis comments
1 September 2011 at 14:58

I'd heard the Pink Floyd version previously and, although a fan of Floyd, I was fairly unimpressed by their rendering of the Dylan classic.
But Roger Waters version is a revelation - right speed and with 'atmosphere' helped by the great Hammond sound. Shame about the naff video but turn up the volume and ignore the visuals.

2 September 2011 at 09:02

I agree with "Grumpy", Of the two I prefer Roger Waters version....

2 September 2011 at 16:53

thanks grumpy nice to hear from you

3 September 2011 at 02:15

Waters version sounds surprisingly good. Not a match for Dylan in any way but I nicely Anglicised version nonetheless. This one is new to me, so thanks.

3 September 2011 at 06:05

What's with the Hebrew and Arabic in the background? Knowing Waters and you English chaps it is probably some type of anti-Israel screed about the Israeli fence that prevents terrorists from blowing up innocent civilians at discos, pizza parlors, bus stops, and last but not least Passover seders.Wouldn't want the Israelis to defend themselves now would we?

3 September 2011 at 14:29

Pink Floyd have outdone themselves on the bizarre scale on this one. Sounds like it has been recorded in a urinal.


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