Sunday, 11 September 2011


Three saucy tracks for you to dip your chips in this week! Do you have any we should know about? Let us know...

Blood Orange - 'Sutphin Boulevard' (2011)

Sunday morning, nothing better than a bit of Blood Orange to get your tastebuds going. This is a real grower, the vocals, beat and bassline all compliment each other well and the more I listen to it the more I like it. Shades of Massive Attack maybe? Sutphin Boulevard is in Queens, NYC, not sure what it is about but from the video, I think I have a fair idea that it's maybe a saucy type rendezvous, as Mr Orange plays in front of drag queens. Sounds right up my alley! This is the latest project of Dev Hynes, ex Lightspeed Champion and now Blood Orange and it is the 1st single of the Coastal Grooves album. Which, according to him, is cross between Chris Isaacs and Billy Idol doing stripped down 80's influenced electronica. Interesting indeed, enough to don a frock and go down Sutphin Blvrd, whos' coming?

Bon Iver & James Blake - Fall Creek Boys Choir (2011)
I'm a huge fan of Bon Iver - but I still don't get James Blake (probably lots of people out there the other way round), but they've now combined their 'superpowers' and like ying & yang, it might balance out. Do you love it? I don't know..... it could be like surfing, you may stand up straight away and love it, it might take you a few times and you're in, or maybe just get fed up of being pummelled by the white water and wish you never bothered! hmmm...
"Surfs up...dude"

Old Pa's Corner:-
Ry Cooder - Humpty Dumpty World (2011)

A new Album by Ry Cooder is always a welcomed thing 'Pull up some dust and sit down' is Cooder back to his very very best. This album sees a return to the funky area of "Bop til you drop" with an excellent gospel base, a nice Mexican tinge and a nod to the folk protest of Woody himself. I have chosen the track 'Humpty Dumpty World' with its nice reggae feel, it is the first one to instantly 'hit' but there are plenty other gems waiting for your edification. If you are not familiar with Ry also check out 'Bob till you Drop' it is probably his most accessible.
Ry before the fall


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Tulis comments
13 September 2011 at 04:13

F - I disagree that Blod Orange is a grower, to me it was an instant hit. Love the bass line.

S - I was warming to Bon Iver the more I heard of them but this track is too weird, even a bit scary before the drums kick in!

P - A pleasant enough track, but when I think he produced the Buena Vista Social Club album and did the soundtrack to 'Southern Comfort', this isn't a touch on any of it!

My track of the week, as I can't stop singing it, is: 'Hurting' by Friendly Fires. 3 great singles from their latest album so far!


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