Recollection Collection......musical memories recalled with affection!
Earthling - Infinite-M (1995)
Sometimes going to Disneyland isn't the fairytale it's all cracked up to be. That is of course, if you are working the trolley onboard Eurostar. I used to work as cabin crew back in the mid 90's and though it was largely enjoyable, trolley detail was most certainly the short straw, especially the journey to Eurodisney. One moment it's working the premium cabin to Paris, serving canapés and 1988 Chateau Lafite to Tori Amos (yes I met her, read about it here) the next it's five carriages of trolley carnage, selling Kit Kats and Um Bongo to groups of school kids vomiting with excitement.
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Earthling...looks like it's his 5th trolley detail in a row! |
One such memorable journey to Eurodisney saw me tasked with this unenviable duty. The train was full of school trips, I had more than my fair share of trolley duties that month and of course one of the wheels refused to co-operate. That meant when the train was taking bends at 300kph around the French countryside, lugging the trolley at what felt like negative G's, it was tantamount to wrestling a Sherman Tank. I wasn't in the mood. My misery was compounded by the fact that I was working with an overly zealous, overly camp purser whom I affectionately called 'French Terry' (his name was Thierry), who I had previously fallen out with. Service protocol required me to be in a certain carriage at a certain time during the trip to avoid a potential refreshment riot at the buffet car. Due to difficult circumstances, I had failed to meet this requirement much to the visible disappointment of French Terry who came to check on me, branding me, "the slowest trolley dolly he has ever known".
With a sudden and uncharacteristic act of insubordination I shouted, "You scumbag!"
"Get out!" He screamed.
"But we're not at a station." I replied.
"Just get off my train!!" French Terry, getting visibly redder, barked.
"It's not your train though." I retorted, adding more fuel to the fire.
"You're stood down!" and with that he disappeared back down the train.
Those dreaded words meant I was officially relieved of my duties, a bit like a cop handing in his badge and his gun except in this case it was the trolley key and the takings. I was well and truly busted.
On arrival at Eurodisney, French Terry told me to make my own way back to Paris to catch a Eurostar home to London. So, declining a hug from Tigger and friends who were greeting the hordes of children on the platform, I made my way back with my tail between my legs. As it turns out I got a slap on the wrist and told not to call my superiors scumbags and French Terry got reprimanded for lack of due care for leaving a staff member behind enemy lines. Yes!
I see this picture, I start to have a Vietnam style Oi! Put that back! |
It's amazing how, on hearing a song, it takes you back to an event in your life where you pretty much recall everything. Like Earthling's debut album 'Radar', particularly my favourite track 'Infinite M', will always be synonymous with the above events. As on the journey home from Eurosdisney, this was the album I was listening to on my Discman, soothing me like a 'there there' pat on the back.
Earthling are a Hip Hop act hailing from Bristol (there's a surprise!) and released their debut in 1995. Portishead's Geoff Barrow was also involved in the album providing some unmistakable 'Trip Hop' nuances. I loved it, it was highly original, innovative and brilliantly bizarre, an underrated classic as far as I'm concerned, making up a chunk of the UK's Hip Hop and dance scene's musical DNA. In 2011 they finally released a third album called 'Insomniac's Ball'.
Have a look at what Earthling are doing on their website.
Have a listen to some of my favourite tracks on my Spotify playlist below or click here to read some more posts.
Earthling - 'Infinite M'
Tulis commentsI forgot you were a Trolley Dolly! What track - no longer lost to the 90s
ReplyA great post, great story and enjoyed the track too! Goes to show we all have our breaking point, I just hav'nt found mune yet?. Well helo dolly!
ReplyAh, brilliant, flycasual! School kids vomiting with excitement (I'll never look at a Kit Kat and an Umbongo the same way again), the threat of refreshment riots and French ('Scumbag') Terry. Better than anything I've ever seen on one of those reality shows...
ReplyWhat a tale of woe, sir. Thank God it's relieved by such a fine tune. I really do feel for you on those trips to Eurodisney as I'm sure it must have been pure hell. Mind you, when I took the Bear tribe to Disney on the Eurostar we had a splendid time. Perhaps we were hopped up on Kit Kats and Umbongo?
ReplyThanks C, those trains were absolute mayhem. I'm sure, with all those sticky kids with sticky fingers, some stock went missing. And the noise level!! Character building! What's weird is that I never use the word 'scumbag'.
ReplyBreaking point perhaps but I'm sure the CIA considered the 'Eurodisney' route for use as rendition trains to break evil doers.
ReplyThanks SB, it would have been much better, (just) to be the recipient of Kit Kats and Um Bongo on the way to see Tinker Bell and co. it's gonna happen very soon as I'm sure my son will drop the question soon.
ReplyCan I come?! Eurodisney needs to implant some new memories as all I remember when LS took me about 11 years ago was my head banging from side to side on the Indiana Jones roller coaster!
ReplyCool track and yes, very out of character for you to lose it and say Scumbag! He does sound like one though.
Scumbag was the most polite rude word I could think of! He was a twat though.