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ALANIS MORRISETTTE - Subterranean Homesick Blues(2005)
RICKI LEE JONES - Subterranean Homesick Blues(2009)
I think it is about time we gave the girls another little shot so here are a couple of big stars giving their treatment to Subterranean Homesick Blues. The Alanis Morrisette one is from a live Dylan Tribute show in 2005. It was to celebrate Bob being inducted into the British Music Hall of Fame. I believe she was a last minute replacement for Bob himself who could not make it, not a bad effort under the circumstance. The other is Ricki Lee Jones and is taken from a compilation album 'The Village(2009)' which is a tribute to the artists who performed in Greenwich Village. Many Dylan Covers there so check it out.
I first heard SHB on the programme Juke Box Jury in 1965. Three guests had to vote on a song and give it a hit or a miss depending upon what they thought of the song. I can not remember who the guests were but it was a unanimous great big Miss. I remember one of the guests said that Dylan had lost the plot and this would end his career. I was totally appalled. In great Scottish tradition, the TV very nearly went out the window. Eat yer words mate!!
For more Dylan Covers
DYLAN COVERS # 38 - Alanis Morrisette/Ricky Lee Jones - 'Subterranean Homesick Blues'
Tulis commentsDermot O'Leary? Oh deary! Glad I missed that show. I kind of like Ricki Lee Jones's version. What would David Jacobs think?